Get In Touch
Please connect with me for a free consultation or if you have questions about leadership or personal coaching, training or public speaking.
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Mon – Fri: 10am – 5pm
Saturdays: 12pm – 3pm

I’m Here for You
I’m a life & leadership coach with over 30 years experience. I honed my observational and listening skills from an early age and found that I have a gift for ‘opening doors’ for others to help them find a depth of insight and be more present, intentional and above all, find clarity.
What is coaching and what is your approach?
My definition of coaching is this: Coaching is a developmental process based on a trusting partnership between coach and client. The purpose of this partnership is to support the client in closing the gaps between who and where they are, and who and where they want to be.
What makes you unique?
As you explored this site, I hope that you already have a good idea that I’m not a typical coach!
Two key things contribute to my uniqueness. The first is my extensive experience in coaching as well as other disciplines, such as group facilitation, leadership roles in different organizations, and formalized education and training in personal and organizational change. I have tools and skills that provide a uniquely focused coaching experience that gets result!
The second is my well developed attitude of studentship – toward myself, life in general, and leadership. In 1989 I first experienced coaching, then several years of in-depth therapy, followed by many years of reflection, self-inquiry, study and meditation. I have come to develop a laser-focused tenacity and a sincere compassion about the process of personal change that my clients experience consistently. This in turn supports my clients in staying true to who they really are in their hearts, and that they are moving toward outcomes that are the most important to them.
Plus, I’m naturally light-hearted and feel that my clients should be having fun while I guide them through their discovery work!
What's the different between the Personal and Leadership Path packages?
To put it simply, the Personal Path packages are for individuals who are interested in receiving life coaching while the Leadership Path packages are for professionals & excecutives who wish to be guided within their work life.
Do you offer a free consultation before I sign up for one of your coaching packages?
Yes, definitely! Please book this on either the ‘Your Professional Path’ or ‘Your Personal Path’ pages, or you can use this Connect page to set one up.
What the difference is between coaching and therapy?
The standard explanation is that therapy supports the client in understanding and untangling their patterns and issues rooted in their history. Coaching supports the client’s progress by keeping the focus on the present and creating forward movement. However, I do not believe that this separation is always effective.
In my personal experience both as a client of coaching and therapy over the years, as well as a practicing coach, there are times when these two approaches can integrate well – helping the client truly grow and then move forward with their lives. The focus in the coaching session is certainly what is going on in the present and how to help the client move forward – but from time to time there can be great value in helping the client disentangle a deep rooted issue or pattern, so that they can indeed move forward more easefully.